Lonnie R. Welch,
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science,
Ohio University

[Jan 29, 2011]–

def. vocāre “to call”

A student whom I mentor said: “I want my life as a Christian to have a direct impact on people. I don’t want to be stuck in an office, having to write proposals and research papers.” I countered: “Being a professor opens up many doors for touching lives.”

I could say this with assurance because I am entering my third decade as a professor, and I have reflected on how God has led me progressively into a life of full-time Christian service in academia:

  • In my first decade, He taught me how to succeed as a professor and still be a godly husband and father, lessons that were training grounds for the next decade.
  • In the second one, two things ignited a passion in me to serve God full-time as a professor. Reading The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel led me to view my research as actually a study of God’s creation and an opportunity to commune with my Creator. Hearing William Lane Craig speak, “On Being a Christian Academic,” at a Cru-sponsored breakfast opened up even greater understanding of how my influence as a professor can be significant ministry.
  • As I embark on my third decade as a professor, I continue to do research that builds on the foundation established during the previous decades. Because of the tremendous opportunities I have as a professor, I endeavor to inspire others, both faculty and students, to serve God in secular universities.

The bar is high for entering this mission field, but for those willing to commit their time, talents and resources to the task, numerous opportunities exist for serving God as a professor. Os Guinness expresses in his book, The Call, that calling is the truth that God calls us to Himself so decisively that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is invested with a special devotion and dynamism lived as a response to His summons and service.


Know of a student sensing a call to become a professor?
Please consider inviting them to join me in June at the Vocare Summer Project. It is sponsored by Faculty Commons in beautiful Durham, North Carolina. Details at http://wannabelikeclive.com.

(c) 2012 Lonnie R Welch

office photo ©istockphoto