Noel Caldwell,
Midlands Tech (Retired),
Columbia, South Carolina
[Feb 7, 2010]—
Do you ever ask what really remains from all your years in academia?
Some of my most gratifying experiences have been occasions when a student, staff member, or one of my faculty peers came to faith in Jesus Christ. At times resistance to the message of the gospel was encountered, but they are overshadowed by more lasting moments.
Meeting Steve
In the early 1970s, soon after I moved into academia from my engineering job, I recruited Steve to our faculty. When his family arrived in town, I met them at their rental house and helped them unpack. From that simple gesture on a sticky August day our friendship grew.
In the weeks that followed, Steve and I made several trips throughout South Carolina while establishing a new program in our department. These trips gave time to become better acquainted and for me to share my faith in Christ. I told him how God had worked in my life, and invited him to attend a Christian movie with me.
A few weeks later Steve stopped by my office early one morning. He said that watching the movie made him realize that he was not certain that he would go to heaven when he died. We went through Scriptures that talked about our sins and Christ’s payment for them. Then Steve prayed, giving his life to Jesus Christ.
Within days his wife Dottie and their two children became followers of Christ, also. They joined a church and Steve had a positive Christian influence on his students, faculty and staff. When he took another position at a college in Montana we stayed in touch and visited from time to time, even when he became a safety engineer at an aerospace firm near Seattle.
The Beginning and Conclusion
In January of 2008 Steve called to tell us of Dottie’s sudden illness and death. Though Steve was sad, he was not discouraged in his faith. A memorial service was planned, but delayed, because of Steve’s own deteriorating health. Almost a year later to the day of his wife’s death, Steve passed away.
My wife and I flew across the country to attend a combined memorial service. As we sat in the service we realized that we had seen both the beginning and conclusion of the earthly portion of our friends’ spiritual journeys.
Life is very much like a race and we all run to cross the finish line. When cancer invaded my body several years ago, I thought I was approaching the finish line. During treatment I reflected on the joys of being a Christian in academia. I had been able to share the Good News with students, staff, and my colleagues. I had no regrets.
Having now recovered from my cancer, I am still running for the finish line in my own race of life.
© 2010 Noel Caldwell