Noel Caldwell,
Engineering (Retired),
Midlands Technical College,
Columbia, South Carolina
[April 1, 2012]–
I had always liked Charlie and considered him an asset to the college. He was one of my industrial area department heads when I was Dean of Engineering and Industrial Technologies. Charlie was 13 years older than me and retired a number of years ago.
After his retirement I heard that he was in the hospital and was not in good health. I was prompted to go to his home to visit. I believe the Lord arranged the timing of that visit. No one else was there. Charlie knew that I was a sincere Christian, but I did not know if he had ever received Christ as his Savior.
Divine Appointment
I used this occasion to present the simple message of the gospel to Charlie. He was very receptive and before long he bowed his head and followed me in a prayer to receive Christ as his Savior. A few minutes later another friend showed up to visit Charlie, too. Had that person arrived earlier I would not have had the freedom to talk to Charlie about his eternal destiny.
Opening the newspaper one day, I quickly checked the headlines, read a couple of leading articles and, as usual, moved on to the obituaries. It’s a habit to check to see if any of my friends and acquaintances are listed there! There was Charlie’s obituary: two columns, including a photograph, extending two-thirds down the page.
I thought I knew Charlie from our years of working together, but there was more to his life. He had been a high ranking officer in the US Army and received a number of awards. He served our military in the latter part of WWII and in the Army Reserve. He returned to active duty for a number of special assignments in Germany and two tours of duty in Vietnam. I’m sure his family is very proud of him.
No Regret
Reading this I felt no regret and had gladness of heart. I’ll miss him, but I thank God for that special, God-ordained time together. Before making that visit I heard no voice from heaven compelling me to go see Charlie. It was just natural for me as a follower of Christ to do that. How could I obey the second of our Lord’s two greatest commandments – to love Charlie as myself – unless I shared the gospel with him? I simply acted as the Holy Spirit led me.
I am confident that someday I will see Charlie in heaven along with other academic colleagues and students. Indeed, the academy is a rich harvest field where many can be led to Christ!
Our responsibility is to be ready to give a witness, share the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God. Do you have similar joys or any regrets about opportunities (taken or missed) to be a witness?
“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens,
and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” — Daniel 12:3
© 2012 Noel Caldwell
Dr. Caldwell,
You’re an inspiration to me. I appreciate your straightforward application of the second commandment. No regrets!
Dan Clement