Joseph McRae Mellichamp, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Management Science
The University of Alabama

[Dec. 28, 2010] —

If you are like most people, about this time of year you begin to think of some projects or activities that you would like to accomplish in 2011, and you will probably make a list of some of them. I know I made my best New Year’s resolution in 1997.

I decided that in 1998, I would read through the entire Bible. As 2010 winds down, Peggy and I are finishing reading God’s word for the 13th year in a row. Many of our friends and colleagues have joined with us and some are finishing along with us.

Every Word A Branch

Why? Martin Luther said: “If you picture the Bible to be a mighty tree and every word a little branch, I have shaken every one of these branches because I wanted to know what it was and what it meant.”

At first I thought this would be a huge challenge—practically impossible to accomplish in view of all the other things on my plate. So I put together a chart to guide my efforts from Genesis 1:1 — I like to start at the beginning and get straight to the goal, which, of course, is Revelation 22:21.

I have found this discipline so helpful and encouraging that each year at this time I challenge everyone who will listen to me to come along with us.This is a small investment of time and effort—15 minutes a day, but one which pays huge dividends. Here are just a few:

* The discipline of daily reading has helped the consistency in my devotional life—one doesn’t want to get behind.
* I have a much better understanding of the sweep of Bible history.
* I have been continually amazed how the Lord will use a particular reading to address some relevant issue or event in my life.
* I was always worried that in speaking before university audiences on Christian topics, someone might challenge me by saying something like, “Have you ever even read the Bible?” I would in honesty have had to say, “No”; and in the process take a hit to my credibility. Now I can simply say, “Sure, several times. Have you?”

The Greatest Person

What could be more exciting and fulfilling in 2011 than to read the biography of the greatest Person of history—the Lord Jesus Christ? If you would like to join us and many of our friends, you can

* Download my chart. Make as many copies as you need for family and friends.
* Receive free daily readings at OneYearBibleOnline.
* Purchase a One Year Bible—available in most bookstores

Enjoy the read and we hope you have a Happy New Year!

(c) 2010 Joseph McRae Mellichamp
Photo copyright flickr user cotigchez