Howie and Nance Kauffman,
Faculty Commons,
University of Florida
[April 22, 2014]~
Recent Ministry Minutes have focused on various strategies for professors on university campuses to participate in collectively. The Veritas Forums, the Symposia, and Reason for God DVD and book study are a few. In this Ministry Minute we want to share what Nance and Howie Kauffman have done alongside the group of professors at UF in Gainesville as one means of meeting for encouragement and motivation. Howie and Nance wrote the following.
At the stroke of 11:45, they drift in and we direct them to help themselves to the buffet that’s beautifully laid out in the Matthews Suite in the Reitz Union at University of Florida (UF).
In scheduling our monthly faculty luncheons, we alternated between having it on a Thursday and a Friday to draw out a different crowd because professors follow either a MWF or TTH teaching schedule. On both days, the faculty luncheons have been well-attended.
We know that time is critical as most professors can only spare one class period to come together to eat and interact before heading back to work.
Promptly at 12:10, we introduce our speaker and by 12:40, we conclude with a hook for the next monthly faculty luncheon. So far, the speakers are all UF professors and they covered topics that appeal to professors:
Leaving behind a Spiritual Legacy;
Getting the Word into you;
Creative Ways to reach your Students;
Called, to Care.
You may be asking “What can you accomplish in such a short time? “
A lot! As the following responses to the past four faculty luncheons reveal.
- I am inspired to identify myself as a believer to my students; be upfront with them about the role faith plays in my work and how it will guide me in my relationships with them.
- I’ll participate in a faculty discipleship group.
- I’m motivated to start a Bible reading program so I can dig into God’s Word for myself.
- I plan to keep Personal Hours for students. I like that it’s different from Office Hours and no course work will be discussed. I think it’ll help me get to know my students outside of the classroom.
- I pray with students but I hesitate to share the gospel with them. I want to trust God for the boldness to start spiritual conversations when it’s appropriate.
- I have five Thai graduate students. God’s prompting me to focus on developing relationships with them that will open doors for spiritual conversations. I’ll invite them to my house for a meal.
- I’m re-thinking my position at UF as a call from God and not just a job.
It’s our philosophy of ministry to resource and to empower professors to do the work of the ministry. We want our professors to be the face of our ministry because we know professors listen to other professors; and students listen when their professors speak. Nance and I are so thankful for the committed faculty God’s raised to be His spokespersons to the academy.