Phillip A Bishop, Kinesiology
University of Alabama
It was near mid-night in Tashkent,Uzbekistan, and I found myself in a taxi with three big guys, none of whom spoke English. When we got pretty close to our “off-the-record” unofficial hotel, the driver stopped.
I knew what the fare should have been, and when the driver demanded a ridiculous amount, I gave him a little more than the correct fare and walked away without looking back. I was relieved that no one shot at or chased me.
Ups And Downs
A few days later we ate a multi-course meal with dessert, and the total bill for the seven of us was about $7.50. So it is with international mission trips. There are ups and there are downs.
A professor is not without honor, save in his own country. For unknown reasons, just being an American professor opens up great opportunities for us. We have something to say of interest, and we have travel opportunities and skills.
There are several options for international trips – either using a free day or mealtime of a trip you are already taking for ministry, or going on a trip through CLM dedicated wholly to ministry. Contact CLM headquarters and find out about this trips, or tell them where you are going and see if there is a group of Christian professors or students you can meet and encourage. Together you can work it out to speak as much or as little as you like.
I have had the privilege of giving evangelistic talks, and talks that were chiefly professional service in hopes of winning favor for the local ministers. Probably some of the most memorable and rewarding things I have done in my entire academic career, have been these ministry trips. Given my poor memory, the fact I can even recall these details tells me these were significant events.
Try It Once
I tell my graduate students to attend one professional conference. If they don’t want to go back, that’s fine. I give you the same challenge. Make one international trip and speak up for Christ. If you don’t want to do it again, then you’ll have a reason why.
What do you, or they, have to lose? You’re cheap, you’re an expert, and you probably won’t be back there again. If you do great, then God is glorified, if you don’t do so great, at least you were a good steward of what God has provided.
© 2006 Phillip A. Bishop