Susan Siaw,
Professor of Development Psychology,
California State Polytechnic University,
Pomona, CA
[Nov 18, 2012]
Over the years, as Christian faculty at Cal Poly Pomona, we’ve paid for an ad to be placed in the campus newspaper. I was the person who initiated that effort here and I think it is worth doing again. It has proved an effective way of identifying ourselves as believers—perhaps the first step in creating conversations with other faculty and students about our hope in Christ.
I’ve posted copies of the 8 different ads we’ve used on the bulletin board outside my office. I’ve noticed students stopping to read the ads. It’s opened the door to conversations.
About three weeks ago, I had a freshman from my class come to my office during student hours. She walked in my office, immediately mentioned that she read the ads on my board. She said she was happy to know that I and someone I co-teach with are Christians (our names were listed below the ads). With that conversation started, I told her about the Cru ministry here, invited her to join us at the weekly meeting. She came.
On another occasion, I was interviewing a potential graduate student in my office. I saw her reading the ads before her interview. When she came in for the interview, she told me that she had been involved in InterVarsity as an undergraduate—the ads no doubt opening the door to sharing more openly about her spiritual journey.
Frequently, we’ve used ads at the beginning of the term to express a ‘Welcome to the Campus” by those of us who are followers of Christ. Knowing there are professors who identify themselves unashamedly as Christ-followers can make all the difference in a new student’s journey. They know there is someone on campus to whom they can go with questions about issues beyond their studies.
Holidays are also excellent opportunities for expressing our Christian belief in appropriate timely ways. Faculty Commons have made some suggested ads available here. Many campuses, however, find a creative person(s) on their campus who can design the ad. Using our Christian faculty fellowship or a signup letter, we get faculty can sign their names, affirming what we believe about the real meaning of Christmas or the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ or the power of giving thanks to God.
Let me encourage you to check out this link and some of the examples of ads used by Christian faculty around the country. I think you’ll find such ads will open the door to conversations about things of eternal significance.
(c)2012 Susan Siaw