Extreme or Blending In?

Phillip A. Bishop, Exercise Physiology, University of Alabama [April 8, 2012]- Walter Donovan: “Brody sticks out like a sore thumb. We’ll find him!” Indiana Jones: “He’s got a two-day head start on you, which is more than he needs. Brody’s got friends in every town...

Found Wanting

Carol Lim, Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Utah [Feb 14, 2010]— What is God’s will for me? At the start of 2008 I was a struggling assistant professor. I had three full-time graduate students in my laboratory, and one rotating in my lab...

Following Christ and Seeking Tenure

Sarah Hamersma, Economics, University of Florida [Jan 24, 2010] — It is easy to see ways in which the quest for tenure could seem antithetical to the lifestyle and goals of a Christian. Clearly we know that as Christians we are to seek the kingdom of God, not a...

God is Real

Carol Lim, Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Utah [ April 10, 2009 ] — I was raised as a Christian but it never really sank in.  I understood the “concept” of God, but had no idea of what to do with it. My journey back to God took about...

The Lord Shuts — and Opens Doors

Edwin M. Yamauchi, Emeritus Ancient History, Miami University (Ohio) I graduated in 1960 with a degree in Hebrew and Hellenistics from Shelton College, a very small Christian school in northern New Jersey. How small was it?  A split in the Bible Presbyterian...

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Lori W. Peterson Communication, St. Edwards’ University In January I heard the words no academic wants to hear: “Denied tenure.” But, wait…before you feel sorry me, do read on.  I do not work at an “up-or-out” institution.  In fact, I am already an Associate Professor...