It’s About Rank

Rick Hove, Executive Director, Faculty Commons, Cru [May 6, 2014]~ In his Handbook of Academic Titles, Michael Shamos of Carnegie Mellon found over 800 different faculty and staff titles.  Shamos begins his examination of the significance of academic titles by quoting...

A Sense of Sent – ness

  Jack and Diane Parker, Faculty Commons Staff, University of Alabama Birmingham [April 8, 2014]~~ One of the hardest things is saying ‘good-bye’ to dear friends and colleagues in academia.  When Dr. Richard Allman announced his new position with the...

A Baptized Imagination

“In honor of the 50th Anniversary of C.S. Lewis’s death” Jay Lorenzen, Faculty Commons Staff [Nov. 19, 2013]~~ As a young professor at Oxford, C.S. Lewis found that his favorite books and his favorite friends were beginning to turn against him. ...

When God Lifts the Veil

John Walkup, Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas Tech University, Faculty Commons Staff [March 25, 2012] — Many times as followers of Jesus we are little aware of the positive impact that our lives have for God’s kingdom. But occasionally God...

Using…or Abusing?

Gregory R. Bashford, Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln [Sept. 11, 2011] — The student was beaming. “Thanks, Dr. B!” he said. Based on his obvious talents, I had steered him towards a particular engineering industry, and he returned...

Why You Should Make a Fool of Yourself

Heather Holleman, English, Penn State University [Feb. 27, 2011] — Some students who regularly frequent local bars recently told me that the reason why college students drink so much is because it’s the only time they don’t feel self-conscious. Alcohol makes...