Why I Go to Class Early

FC Missional Moment: Voices from the Commons View this email in your browser (http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=38238054998a2e79e4668e3c7&id=10e709d0c4&e=[UNIQID]) ** Why I go to class early...

Our Contingent Calling

FC Missional Moment: Voices from the Commons View this email in your browser (http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=38238054998a2e79e4668e3c7&id=9a0668e414&e=[UNIQID]) ** Our Contingent Calling...

Grace Infused Living: Why are you so happy?

Grace-Infused Living: “Why are you so happy?” When you spend so many hours a week with students, you begin to realize your role as a “whole person” educator. I realized this in an acute way when I ended class this past May and was ready to move on with my...

Why I Keep On Keeping On

Why I Keep On Keeping On I’ve served as a Naval Flight Officer, run marathons and ultra-marathons, achieved full professor status at a large research university in 1994, published over 160 scientific articles, advised over 45 Ph.D. candidates, and traveled to 52...

The Better Story

  The Better Story A Good Story There is one story I know better than any other. This story is dear to my heart, and I give time and energy to developing it every day. It has happy moments, and sad, and even tragic ones. I think about this story constantly, and...

Preparing Our Replacements

  Preparing Our Replacements Even as new Assistant Professors, down deep inside, we know that we will not be here forever. An abundance of Scripture affirms the brevity of life, and a career of 30 years passes quickly. As profs we have the privilege, and the...