Kindness and Truth

James M. Tour, Professor of Chemistry, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Rice University [April 29, 2013]– What does it mean to meditate on Scripture? It is not an ethereal state where my mind is out of touch with reality. Jesus...

Who Are the Neediest?

  Nadya Popov, Department of History, University of West Georgia [April 1, 2013]— In Matthew 9:9-13, Jesus is described as habitually keeping company with tax-collectors and sinners, to the point of calling one of them (Matthew himself) as a disciple. When...

Office Hours

  Kenneth G. Elzinga Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics University of Virginia [Feb. 4, 2013] For years I found myself  seeing office hours as an interruption, as a necessary evil in my faculty calling.  Typically, faculty members are not enthusiastic about...

Out of Control

Phil Bishop Kinesiology University of Alabama [Nov 25, 2012] “It is important to know that there is not just one thing that is causing stress in our lives, but it is a number of things. The key is building in a sense of control-ability in small ways.” Dr. BT, U of X...

Indoctrination or Critical Thinking?

John M. Dunaway, French and Interdisciplinary Studies, Mercer University [Sept. 24,2012] “And the Lord’s bondservant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps...

Broken Vessels

David S. McLeod, The University of Kansas, Undergraduate Biology Program [May 6, 2012]– I have had the pleasure of spending this semester in Hamburg, Germany on a sabbatical research fellowship. It has been a wonderful time of learning, exploration, and...