Grace Infused Living: Why are you so happy?

Grace-Infused Living: “Why are you so happy?” When you spend so many hours a week with students, you begin to realize your role as a “whole person” educator. I realized this in an acute way when I ended class this past May and was ready to move on with my...

Why I Keep On Keeping On

Why I Keep On Keeping On I’ve served as a Naval Flight Officer, run marathons and ultra-marathons, achieved full professor status at a large research university in 1994, published over 160 scientific articles, advised over 45 Ph.D. candidates, and traveled to 52...

All our zeal in penultimate

Walter Brueggemann, Professor of Old Testament, argues that the tension between “evangelism” and “social action” grows out of a deep misunderstanding. To posit tension between evangelism and social action amounts to a deep distortion of both and is in the end a phony...

Making Time for What Matters

How often have you had this internal conversation? I’m behind.  Again.  The items on my “To Do” rival the number of freshmen in my lecture classes. My time is not my own.  I don’t like the pace of my life—so little time for people. So little time for God. I’m not sure...