Extreme or Blending In?

Phillip A. Bishop, Exercise Physiology, University of Alabama [April 8, 2012]- Walter Donovan: “Brody sticks out like a sore thumb. We’ll find him!” Indiana Jones: “He’s got a two-day head start on you, which is more than he needs. Brody’s got friends in every town...

When God Lifts the Veil

John Walkup, Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas Tech University, Faculty Commons Staff [March 25, 2012] — Many times as followers of Jesus we are little aware of the positive impact that our lives have for God’s kingdom. But occasionally God...

The Whole Student

Dusty Wilson, Mathematics, Highline Community College [March 18, 2012] We attempt to engage and direct our students in a lifetime quest to achieve balance and congruity in all aspects of their lives. While this includes education in our respective disciplines, the...

The Inconvenient

Heather Holleman, English, Penn State University [March 11, 2012]– I receive a desperate email from one of my best students. He’s applying to this great new program, but the deadline’s been changed to tomorrow. He has no choice but to beg his professors to write...

Dialogues with Denise

John Marson Dunaway, French and Interdisciplinary Studies, Mercer University [Mar.4, 2012]– I first arrived at Mercer, a freshly-minted young Ph.D., an assistant professor of French, painfully aware of how many of the great books of the Western world I had yet...

Adversities Transformed

Duane Keilstrup, Professor Emeritus, German, University of Texas-Arlington [February 5, 2012] — I was never a cutting-edge scholar, dynamic orator, or award-winning teacher during my career in academia. I was, however, in love with the Lord Jesus Christ, and by...