No Exemptions

John Walkup Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas Tech University [April 4, 2011] — How should I react when my well-planned academic career is threatened — or overturned? As a doctoral student at Stanford, I had to appear before two panels of...

Least Likely

Eric Jones Exercise Physiologist Kinesiology and Health Science Stephen F. Austin State University [April 4, 2010]— How would your friends in high school have described you? I received a call recently from a high school classmate concerning plans for a reunion....

You Can’t Say “God” in Here

Lester W. Knotts, English, United States Military Academy [ Feb 15, 2009 ] — A few years ago, I was leading a discussion in a first-year literature survey course. We were reading a poem that alluded directly to New Testament scripture concerning the Holy Spirit....

A Cup Of Coffee

Samuel E Matteson, Physics, North Texas “I do not have a Vice Chair, nor an Assistant Chair, but I do have Sam, my Ad-vice Chair,” quipped my brother-in-Christ, Chris. For 10 years I was chairman of the physics department and Chris was my vice chair; now he is...

The Race

Noel Caldwell, Midlands Tech (Retired), Columbia, South Carolina [Feb 7, 2010]— Do you ever ask what really remains from all your years in academia? Some of my most gratifying experiences have been occasions when a student, staff member, or one of my faculty...

All God’s Children

Kathryn Lindholm-Leary, Child and Adolescent Development San Jose State University [Oct 11, 2009] — I don’t do enough for my students.  It took a note from a little girl in the Philippines to make me realize this. Last November I bought a jacket with a faux fur...