Mark Pritchard
Arizona State University
At times, as an Australian academic serving in the US and Canada, I begin to wonder about going home and what I’d do if I did go. My wife Kathi and I had to ponder “what to do” anew when we accepted an appointment at Arizona State University seven years ago.
As I drove our U-Haul truck down through the desert, I recall hearing several messages calling each believer to work out what the Lord’s purpose was for them (Romans 12:2). A Scripture that spoke clearly of this to me was advice given to the exiles, to “do your best for the welfare of the city where I have sent you to be exiles” (Jeremiah 29:7).
Exiles En Route
The truth is that we are all exiles en route to a far country (Hebrews 11:16), but just as importantly the Lord wants us to be a blessing along the way. This made me begin to look at our various research/teaching/service efforts in a different light. “How could I be a blessing here?” was the first question I pondered.
It wasn’t long after this that my school director came to me about starting a new entrepreneurship course. My initial thought was, “Hey, this is a new/extra prep.” But then I began to wonder how to respond to this request and be a wider blessing to the community.
My first attempt at structuring the course had my students connecting with local chambers of commerce. They organized free workshops in towns around the state to assist rural entrepreneurs. Several state agencies partially funded the initial outreach. Their initial success paved the way for even larger efforts over the next several years when a Federal sponsor stepped in.
It Can Be Infectious
The enthusiastic responses from the communities and students who helped out showed me that serving others first can be infectious. Jesus Christ has an exciting way of blessing others and enlarging even the smallest portion we give to him.
As we finish the Easter weekend and return to the hectic life of academia in April, would you join me in asking “How can I be a blessing here?”
© 2006 Mark Pritchard